ClusterFsck Reincarnated

Due to a friends' help, clusterfsck is back. Newer, faster, stronger, and so forth.

Machine Info

  • Head node is P3/504, 512MB, dual fast ethernet (internal / external)
  • Compute nodes are all P2/233, 256MB, 4G disk, fast ethernet
  • Cluster switch is a D-Link 5-port, 128k per buffer, non-blocking.
  • Net connection is via Earthlink ADSL, 1.5M/384k
  • All machines have Fibre Channel cards in them, so we can experiment with GFS once there's time.
  • Software Info

    Currently, the cluster uses the Beowulf system, based around RH6.2.

    Performance Results

    Linpack (MPI) gives about half a gigaflop. Just like the original, we're a fraction of a current machine:
    T/V                N    NB     P     Q               Time             Gflops
    W11C2C4         3000    60     1     5              32.86          5.482e-01
    ||Ax-b||_oo / ( eps * ||A||_1  * N        ) =        0.0050153 ...... PASSED
    ||Ax-b||_oo / ( eps * ||A||_1  * ||x||_1  ) =        0.0053037 ...... PASSED
    ||Ax-b||_oo / ( eps * ||A||_oo * ||x||_oo ) =        0.0010841 ...... PASSED


    ...are coming soon.

    Getting an acoount

    You're kidding, right?

    Navigation Links

  • Home page
  • The original ClusterFsck project
  • Scyld Computing (Beowulf)