Home Page WatchOtaku : Welcome to WatchOtaku

About the site

WatchOtaku is a not-for-profit site dedicated to the enjoyment of mechanical watches. If you want to know more about what makes a watch tick, then you've come to the right place. And if you want to design your own watch, you've definitely come to the right place.

Site Support

If you enjoy the information here, please consider supporting the site, via donation of watches for review or just plain funds. The Donation page has details. I do not run any ads or paid-for content and take pride in that all content is my creation. I also take care to attribute information and pictures so that you can judge for yourself.

I hope you like it.

You can read more about the site and how it came to be on the About page and if you'd like to contact me, please see the Contact page.

Twitter feed

I use Twitter quite a lot, independent of this site. Check it out and you might like it; it's also a very good way to communicate with me, either direct messages or by mentioning me (@WatchOtaku).


Blog Posts

Blog stream

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